
FanX recirculation fans are very reliable and provide high energy efficiency.
FanX for the greenhouse climate can deliver a high air flow with a low power consumption.
FanX fans are manufactured with high quality materials for a durable lifetime.
- Available in single-phase and three-phase - lnternal thermal protection (single phase)
- Standard with front griil - Optional mounting brackets and power cord
- Multi Voltage range and suitable for 50 and 60 Hz. - Protection class: IP54
- Reliable fan motor with hyper blades - Speed Control Available

Air performence measured according to ISO 5801 installation category A. For detailed information on the measurement set-up, please contact
Fogsis. lntake sound level: Sound power level according to ISO 13347 sound pressure level measured at 1 m distance from fan axis. The values given
are valid under the specified measuring conditions and may vary due to conditions of installation.
Far deviations from the standart confiiguration, the paremeters have to be checked on the installed unit.
Air performance measured as per ısa 5801 installation category A. Far detailed information on the measuring set-up, please contact Fogsis.
Suction-side noise levels: LwA measured as per ısa 13347 /LpA measured with 1m distance to fan axis. The values given are valid under the
measuring conditions mentioned above and may vary according to the actual installation situation.
With any deviation from the standart set-up, the specific values have to be checked and reviewed with the unit installed.