Greenhouses are enclosed artificial areas built in various shapes in order to adjust the regions where natural climate conditions are not suitable, and get a high yield, in plant, fruit and vegetable growing industry. There are two types including glass greenhouses and plastic greenhouses. The reason for choosing translucent materials is to help the plants photosynthesize easily. Besides, they protect the crop to be grown from cold and wind.
The required factors for plant production in greenhouses are light, temperature, humidity, and the air combination. The most effective system preferred to provide the suitable temperature and humidity ratio is the high-pressure fogging system.
Installed professionally at the greenhouse site, this system sends the municipal water to the fogging nozzles using high-pressure pumps. Cooling is achieved when the water particles spread at equal amounts into environment by means of the spraying method of fogging nozzles of various sizes installed at various distances contact with air and vaporize. Water is spread to the greenhouse in the form of fog without dripping and wetting on the plants. Ideal temperature and humidity ratio for plants is provided by this way. High-pressure fogging systems support greenhouse cultivation highly, and increase the product yield.
Suitable pump is chosen by making a nozzle calculation depending on the sizes of the greenhouse where a high-pressure fogging system will be installed, the available climate conditions, amount of humidity required by the plants to be grown, and amount of water to be used at one m3.