Fogging system, one of the developing technologies, is evaporative cooling technology. The most critical components of the system are the fog nozzles. PLC and high pressure pumps are used in addition to these components which are located in the air channels in the special formation.
How does the system produce fog? The system works by feeding the inlet air with fine water droplets. Drips can be of different sizes depending on the duration of evaporation in the expected ambient conditions. These systems, generally between 20 and 40 microns, pass through high-pressure demineralized water atomization nozzles. Then the water is thrown from the tits. By multiplying the impact pins, billions of water drops are formed.
Humidification In today's horticulture, it is important to maintain hot and humid levels for a greenhouse-sized cultivation. Fog and fog system solutions are available for users to achieve increased product and production value targets. With excellent controlled evaporation, dripping, integrated equipments, you can get efficiency in agriculture. This system reduces water consumption by increasing humidification, cooling effect, germination and multiplication. In addition to this, it is also possible to reduce the stress and the static electricity. More light is allowed and the growth of plants is accelerated by easy breathing.
Humidification Advantages It contributes to the development with both humidity and evaporation systems. Precise control for the growth of a healthy plant removes the hazards of plant pathogens. Especially ventilation is improved with greenhouse humidification. A comfortable environment in which plants can develop and low humidity, high temperature are brought together. Serious problems can occur, including fatosynthesis, when the humidity falls below 30 percent. Irrigation hydration is required for the greenhouse study. However, in case of overheating this solution is insufficient. High Pressure Fogging System The high pressure fogging system creates advantageous uses in providing the plant nutrients to the environment. Chromium pipes are used in these systems to reduce greenhouse indoor temperature and 70 bar pressure is applied. It does not leave work residue on the plant by extracting water particles on the basis of micron. Polyethylene pipes used in the system are applied at a pressure of 7 bar at maximum 6 y. This way it is more economical and installation is practical. Moisture builds up with fog generation. The temperature drops. Depending on the present moisture level, a system operating on the basis of adiabatic cooling will be able to reduce the temperature by several centigrade degrees. Optimum humidity is obtained with high pressure fogging system. The temperature is reduced. Plant activity is better. Fungus and pesticides drugs and system options are formed. The increase in the quality of the final product and crop production is much more efficient. Misting Systems Special effects, dust control, odor control, humidification, external cooling are provided among mist system applications used for more than 50 years. In each application, the fogging system has its own design requirements. In some cases, the system designs are completely enclosed. A single line is used in other fog system areas. In order to design the effective fogging system correctly, a thorough understanding is required.
Humidification Advantages It contributes to the development with both humidity and evaporation systems. Precise control for the growth of a healthy plant removes the hazards of plant pathogens. Especially ventilation is improved with greenhouse humidification. A comfortable environment in which plants can develop and low humidity, high temperature are brought together. Serious problems can occur, including fatosynthesis, when the humidity falls below 30 percent. Irrigation hydration is required for the greenhouse study. However, in case of overheating this solution is insufficient. High Pressure Fogging System The high pressure fogging system creates advantageous uses in providing the plant nutrients to the environment. Chromium pipes are used in these systems to reduce greenhouse indoor temperature and 70 bar pressure is applied. It does not leave work residue on the plant by extracting water particles on the basis of micron. Polyethylene pipes used in the system are applied at a pressure of 7 bar at maximum 6 y. This way it is more economical and installation is practical. Moisture builds up with fog generation. The temperature drops. Depending on the present moisture level, a system operating on the basis of adiabatic cooling will be able to reduce the temperature by several centigrade degrees. Optimum humidity is obtained with high pressure fogging system. The temperature is reduced. Plant activity is better. Fungus and pesticides drugs and system options are formed. The increase in the quality of the final product and crop production is much more efficient. Misting Systems Special effects, dust control, odor control, humidification, external cooling are provided among mist system applications used for more than 50 years. In each application, the fogging system has its own design requirements. In some cases, the system designs are completely enclosed. A single line is used in other fog system areas. In order to design the effective fogging system correctly, a thorough understanding is required.